Electric arc furnace(EAF) of the advantagesWhat is anelectric arc furnace, what are the advantages of an electric arc furnace, and what can it be used for? With these questions,let's take a look at what the electric arc furnace manufacturers say about this problem? An electric arc furnace
Electric arc furnace steel making use electricity is the main energy sourceElectricity is the main energy source for electric arc furnace steelmaking.Electric energy discharges and arcs through the graphite electrode and the charge to produce a high temperature of 2000 to 6000 ormore, using ar
Electric arc furnace(EAF) of the introductionWhat are the refractory materials used inelectric arc furnaces? do you know? How does the refractory plant do a good job in dustprevention and dust removal? do you understand? The editor of the electric arc furnace manufacturer tells you: Firs
Metallurgy ladle about the advantages and disadvantagesMetallurgy ladlehave some advantages and disadvantagesPouring ladle of the advantagesWaste alloying elements can be recycled, refractory alloying elements can be melted by arc at high temperature, and the temperature inthe furnace ca
The transformer determines the fault by the abnormal sound Transformeris not noisy when it is running, which is normal, but sometimes there will be a lot of noise, which means that you can judgewhether the Transformer is faulty by sound.In fact, the sound of Transform
Ladle pre-heater of the main application characteristicsTheladle pre-heateris composed of a oven burner, a rotating arm, a gas pipeline system, an air pipe, etc. The oven burner is installedon the top of the steamed bun for open or closed heating. It is mainly used for baking the tundish
Oxygen carbon lance of the introductionOxygen carbon lanceof the basic introductionOxygen carbon lance mainly refers to electric furnace smelting, generally refers to the electric furnace door carbon lance, there are alsocarbon lance furnace wall. The carbon oxygen gun at the furnace doo
Ladle furnace of the process analysisLF refiningis one of the main methods of refining outside the furnaceThe purpose of LF slag is to desulphurize, deoxidize, improve the yield of alloy and remove inclusions, but in the process of aluminumsteel slag, desulphurize and return silicon, add
Cooling tower about the precautions for routine maintenanceMain points of daily maintenance of cooling tower.(1) Running recordsWhen a circular cooling tower is constructed or installed and put intooperation, the manufacturer shall provide data on all characteristics of thecooling tower:
Cooling tower of the operation principleWhen the working principle of water cooling tower is adopted, the cooling relationship and evaporative cooling principle of water coolingtower are more important.1.Heat dissipation relationship of cooling towerIn the wet cooling tower, the heat dissipati