What is rolling machine?
Introduction of rolling machine
Rolling mill is used for metal rolling process and refers to complete the whole process of rolling production equipment, including the main equipment, auxiliary equipment, lifting transport equipment and accessory equipment, etc. The rolling mill mainly consists of roller, rolling mill house, bearing package, bearing, workbench, rolling guide, rail chair, roller adjustment device, top roll balance device and roller change device, driving device, cooling bed, finishing facilities with cold shear, bundling system with bar counter and wire tying machines etc.
Characteristic of rolling machine for rebar
1. The complex section pass composed of four rollers can make all components on the section compressed at the same time, the rolled piece deforms evenly, the speed difference around the section is small, and the internal stress of the rolled piece is small.
2.Roll with smaller diameter (because there is no need to slot on the roll) can be used to roll products with higher legs and wider waist, and there is no inclination on the inner sides of its two legs. This is difficult to achieve on ordinary two high rolling mill.
3. The reduction of leg and waist of rolled piece can be adjusted separately, which simplifies the adjustment of rolling mill during rolling.
4. High rolling accuracy, less roll wear and lower energy consumption.
Maintenance of rolling machine for coil
Due to the poor working environment of the rolling mill, during the working process, the rolling cooling water is atomized rapidly when encountering the red hot billet, and the iron oxide powder falling off the billet surface is sprayed around. The roll has a great impact on the frame archway through the bearing seat, resulting in varying degrees of corrosion and wear on the inner window surface of the mill frame archway and the bottom surface of the frame archway. It is difficult to effectively control and manage the gap between mill stand and roll bearing seat, and the gap between mill stand and roll bearing seat often exceeds the management limit. The increase of mill housing clearance deteriorates the working conditions of the main drive system of the mill, resulting in large vibration and impact of the main drive.
When the ingot is bitten, it is easy to slip, affecting the control of plate shape and greatly affecting the product quality.
Most mill housings are made of ordinary steel castings.In long-term service, the window surface is vulnerable to corrosion and wear, resulting in the deterioration of working conditions. The memorial archway is usually repaired by on-line machining, that is, the material is removed by machining, the damaged layer on the surface of the memorial archway is removed, the contact surface is leveled, and the expanded size is compensated by increasing the thickness of the lining plate. This repair method is simple and convenient to operate, but does not change the nature of the archway surface.
After using for a period of time, the archway surface will be corroded and worn and become invalid, and multiple machining will have an adverse impact on the strength and stiffness of the archway. Considering the sensitivity of rolling mill to stiffness, there is not much allowance for machining, and this repair method can only be an expedient measure. Manual arc welding can restore the expanded size of the material removed after machining, but large-area arc surfacing on such a rigid structure may cause the deformation of the archway structure. If the structure is distorted, unstable and deformed, it will be fatal and can no longer be corrected. which will never happen in factory production. Therefore. this repair method will bring great risks and is generally not used.
Up to now, polymer composites can be used to solve the wear of mill housing. Polymer composite repair materials have superior adhesion, can be firmly attached to the surface of metal substrate, and will not fall off for long-term work. The product itself has extremely high compressive strength, and the material will not be damaged even under the rolling force of up to 1900 tons. The unique polymer structure endows the material with good impact resistance, which can absorb the impact of the bearing seat on the archway and avoid wear. At the same time, the product has good corrosion resistance, which can protect the surface of the archway from the erosion of cooling water.Special materials are used to repair the wear of mill housing without removing materials, which does not affect the overall strength and stiffness of housing, and there is no deformation caused by repair welding thermal stress, which has solved the problems that can not be solved for many years.